Thursday, March 19, 2009

Computer Usage Policies - formal & informal

How should Computer Usage Policies be changed? What do you want to see in such a policy?

Is the computer/internet usage policy readily available - at public computer locations, reference desk, circulation desk, anywhere else?

Do any libraries have ANY policies on a webpage in their website?

I have provided sample/model policies & KAT's 2002 policy for discussion purposes. If you also wish to provide a copy of your policy, please do so.

I recently ran into a problem that I find troubling. A patron registered for a PC and then, when his/her time was up, would not get up from the chair. I won't go into how our interaction proceeded, but let's just say very unsatisfactorially. This person was just plain determined not to get up. What to do? Call police? Threaten to call police?

Does anyone have a security policy?


New York State Library

New York Public Library

New Jersey State Library

Jasper Public Library

Keen Public Library

KAT policy

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